Monday, July 25, 2011 declared on its website that it will be closing down effective Aug. 1, putting a stop to the offshore�s long and productive run as one of the industry�s premier sportsbooks. has long been praised for having fast payouts and outstanding customer service, and they once carried an A rating by SportsBookReview, the leading independent sportsbook review site. This closure is unfortunate, But VIP should be applauded for its transparency. They posted the image you see here, on their site around two weeks before their planned shutdown. This has become the exception rather than the rule in the gambling industry. Often times, customers don�t learn about a gaming site closing down until after it�s happened, which creates a mess of a situation for those with funds tied up in their accounts. When a company goes out of business, the players are in limbo and the fate of their cash are very much at risk. Most dont get paid. Some companies do honor their obligation and pay up, but most dont. A VIP representative said customers will be notified of their options shortly. All account holderswill be notified by e-mail. But there could be some strings attached. A VIP customer service representative told a player that only accounts exceeding $260 will be able to request a payout. The representative also noted that the decision was made �due to industry and money processing complaints.� VIP hasn�t been taking part in the United States market since 2006, but they still serviced US players that were users of their site before they left the market. If your looking for a good online casino, online poker or online sportsbook vist a portal like

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